Here we are, the idiots guide not Baby Proofing your home. Let’s face it, those little fingers get in everything. Seriously, how do they find the smallest thing and put it in their mouths. Here are some helpful tips to baby proof your home. Links at the bottom for some great items to baby proof your home.
1. Lock Everything Like It’s Top-Secret. Baby proof those cupboards.
Treat your cabinets like they’re holding the nuclear codes. Because to your baby, they might as well be. We know those little fingers like to go everywhere they shouldn’t. Install childproof locks on every drawer unless you’re cool with your toddler turning your Tupperware into modern art—or finding your “adult snacks.”

2. Outlet Covers: For the Love of Shocking Prevention
Your baby is weirdly obsessed with outlets, right? Slap on those outlet covers before your kid decides to test whether they’re a certified electrician.

3. Anchor Your Furniture—You’re Not Raising Spider-Man
Babies have two hobbies: climbing and defying physics. Anchor your shelves, TVs, and dressers to the wall unless you’re prepared to play a daily game of “Catch the Baby Avalanche.” Rememberer those extra bits in the Ikea flat pack box, the ones we always throw away? yes those are the anchors. Use them!
4. Toilet Lids Down! It’s Not a Water Park
Install toilet locks unless you want to catch your baby attempting to recreate Finding Nemo—with your car keys. Bonus points: No more accidentally dropping your phone in there, either. Yep that happened to me, back when we had flip phones. The rice trick didn’t work.

5. Corner Guards: Because Babies Don’t Do Corners
Your coffee table is their enemy. Add those squishy corner bumpers unless you’re cool with a series of forehead bruises that make your kid look like a tiny rugby player

6. Baby Gates: Your New Best Frenemy
Install gates at staircases, doorways, and anywhere you don’t want a miniature human causing chaos. But be ready—they’re harder to navigate than an escape room at 3 a.m. These days they come in all shapes and sizes.

7. The Floor Is Lava (For Choking Hazards)
Anything smaller than a cookie is officially contraband. Crawl around like a crime scene investigator and confiscate all stray buttons, coins, LEGOs, and mystery crumbs. Yes, you will find that missing earring—and a petrified Cheerio.
8. Cords Are Not Snacks
Hide all cords, because apparently, babies think they’re spaghetti. Whether it’s blinds, chargers, or your laptop cord, wrap them up before your kid does their best Lady and the Tramp impression.
9. Keep the Houseplants Safe From Baby—and Vice Versa
Your baby’s new hobby? Becoming a botanist. Place plants out of reach unless you’re cool with them snacking on dirt and knocking over your monstera.
10. Everything You Own Now Lives 3 Feet Higher
Candles? Glass vases? Remote controls? They’re no longer decor; they’re dangerous. Relocate them to a height that’s toddler-proof but still lets you feel like an adult in your own home.
In a nutshell: Just Bubble Wrap Everything
The baby, the furniture, yourself. Problem solved.
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