Cake Smash Photography Session FAQ

Session | FAQs


Around an hour for a mini portrait shoot, cake smashing action and a bubble bath to finish things off. Parents are included in the portrait section of the shoot, so please be camera ready. See further down on what to wear.
I get asked this one a lot. It's a good question, but try not to worry. My studio is a calming, relaxed space and full of beautiful toys and games to keep little ones happy. But if we end up having a full-blown meltdown on our hands, then we can wait it out, don’t worry. Babies LOVE these sessions, so I rarely meet one I can’t distract with a wooden spoon and a big ‘ole cake to smash.
No need. I’ve got an amazing camera. To be honest, parents snapping away with iPhones can be a little distracting. If you wouldn’t mind leaving them in your bag, I’d be super grateful.
They are going to get covered in cake so maybe leave the cashmere cardi at home. If they’re happier naked, that’s all good, but I have a gorgeous wardrobe full of lovely little outfits that we can have a play around with. Feel free to bring your own outfits for your little one. Please keep it super simple, without any patterns, logos or bunnies. Avoid anything with a frilly collar. A really simply white romper is all you need. This is all about the baby, not the outfit. Parents will be included in the photos at the beginning, so make sure you are camera ready. Jeans and a nice white shirt/tshirt will be great, or if you want to go all out, a gorgeous white maxi dress will be lovely. Please avoid wearing black and grey. If fake tan is your thing that's totally fine, but I will charge extra to edit any fake tan disaster.
* Spare Clothes * Something to take home any left over cake (if there is any, mostly it is squished into every floorboard) * a white towel
Hopefully yes, but not all little ones go head first, and that's ok. Please give your baby a little bit of cake before their session, just to play with the texture and get a little taste.
Sorry, she’ll have to sit this one out.
Honestly, there is nothing to worry about. I won't make you stand in front of a backdrop and expect you to make awkward eye contact with me. My sessions are really relaxed, you won't even know that I am taking the photo most of the time. We chat, have a laugh, it's all natural, I promise.
Yes you can. I ask that you bring something to occupy them during the cake smash so we can concentrate on the the birthday boy/girl. I am happy to include sibling photos at the beginning of the session when your 1 year old has their portraits taken.
You’re invited back to the studio in 1-2 weeks to view your beautiful photos.
That’s not how I roll. Your viewing appointment is supposed to be fun. You can buy as many or as few products from me as you like. No pressure.
My new studio is 32 Beatrice Street Oswestry SY11 1QG I have attached a map to your email for lots of parking options. There is 40 minutes parking outside the studio. Feel free to drop off passengers and go and find parking. Please message me if you are running late, if you are running more than 15 minutes late I will assume you are not coming and head on home. Please call me on 07557 269 891 if you get lost.